id = candidate ID name = name (recorded in Japanese) prefid = prefecture code (1-47) pref = name of the prefecture dm = district magnitude win = win (1) or lose (0) inc = incumbent (1) or not (0) party 1--LDP 2--DP 3--Komeito 4--JCP 5--SDP 25--Kofuku Jitsugen to (Happiness Realization Party) 28--Shinto Kaikaku (New Renaissance Party) 34--Nippon no kokoro wo taisetsu ni suru to (The Party for Japanese Kokoro) 36--Shiji seito nashi 37--Osaka ishin no kai (Initiatives from Osaka) 38--Kokumin ikari no koe 98--others 99--independents votes = number of votes received rank = rank of finish tvotes = total votes in the district vshare = vote share Source: , accessed on July 11, 2010.