The Political Science Department offers a wide array of graduate courses. Below, you will find information regarding our typical offerings. Political Science graduate students generally take three courses per semester. During the first year of graduate study, students are somewhat constrained in their choices of courses. Once students have successfully completed their first year, there are a variety of courses available to graduate students.
Core Courses
- PSCI 5340 Political Science Scope and Methods
- PSCI 6320 Quantitative Research Methods
- PSCI 6940 Practicum (to be completed in the semester of exams)
Courses in American Politics
- PSCI 5020 Proseminar in American Politics
- PSCI 5050 Congress and Legislative Behavior
- PSCI 5050 Interest Group Politics
- PSCI 5050 Judicial Politics Research
- PSCI 5050 Mass Political Behavior
- PSCI 5220 Proseminar in Public Law
- PSCI 5050 The Presidency
- PSCI 5050 Religion and Politics
- PSCI 5050 Women and Politics
Courses in Comparative Politics
- PSCI 5610 Proseminar in Comparative Politics
- PSCI 5650 Comparative Institutional Analysis
- PSCI 5650 Comparative Political Culture
- PSCI 5650 Democracy and Democratization
- PSCI 5650 Latin American Politics
- PSCI 5650 Politics of Developing Nations
- PSCI 5050 Religion and Politics
Courses in International Relations
- PSCI 5810 Proseminar in International Relations
- PSCI 5820 Civil Wars
- PSCI 5820 Conflict Management
- PSCI 5820 Human Rights
- PSCI 5820 International Political Economy
- PSCI 5820 Middle East Politics
- PSCI 5820 Peace Science Research
- PSCI 5820 Revolution and Political Violence
- PSCI 5820 US Foreign Policy
Courses in Political Methodology
- PSCI 6000 Formal Theory
- PSCI 6000 Game Theory
- PSCI 6000 Special Topics in Advanced Political Methodology
- PSCI 6000 Regression Analysis
- PSCI 6000 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- PSCI 6340 Time Series Methods for Political Data
Courses in Political Theory
- PSCI 5310 Proseminar in Political Theory
- PSCI 5350 Machiavellianism
- PSCI 5350 Plato
- PSCI 5350 Relativism
- PSCI 5350 Tocqueville