Professor Glen Biglaiser - Latin American politics, economic and political issues in the developing world.
Professor Marijke Breuning - foreign policy, gender issues and political science education.
Professor Jacqueline DeMeritt - Human rights and repression, violent political conflict, and research methods
Professor Andrew Enterline - International conflict, civil conflict, and imposed polities.
Professor Michael Greig - conflict mediation, peacekeeping, and imposed polities.
Professor Paul Hensel - territorial disputes, international rivers, international conflict and conflict
Professor John Ishiyama - East European politics, political transitions, and political science education.
Professor James Meernik - transitional justice, US foreign policy, and post-conflict peacebuilding.
Read about exciting research in the field of Peace Science at UNT.
Read about what graduates of Conflict and Human Security at UNT are doing.
For further questions about the program or to request additional information, please email Jim Meernik (