Our Department has a strong group of faculty members whose work is related to the study of political parties and elections. Numerous books and articles they have published cover such wide-ranging subjects as electoral systems, party systems, U.S. presidential and congressional elections, voting behavior, ethnic parties, party development, communist successor parties, and candidate recruitment.
Geographically, virtually every part of the world has been studied in their published work, but their particular strength lies in the research on the United States, Canada, Britain, post communist countries, Europe, and Asia. Their articles on political parties and elections have appeared in such leading journals as American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Electoral Studies, Party Politics, Political Research Quarterly, and Social Science Quarterly. You can find more about their interests below.
Professor John Ishiyama -- political parties, political institutions, democratization and ethnic conflict in post communist states in Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Africa.
Professor Ko Maeda -- electoral systems, intra-party politics, strategies of ruling parties and opposition parties, political institutions, and Asian politics.
Professor Philip Paolino -- voting behavior, elections, and party politics in the U.S. and other countries.