Our Department has a strong reputation in the field of judicial politics. Our award-winning judicial politics faculty have published extensively on a wide range of topics relating to law and courts, including American and International courts, civil rights and liberties, human rights and gender equity, judicial behavior and decision making, and the relationship between courts and other political institutions. You can find more about their interests below.
Professor Wendy Watson - courts, criminal justice, separation of powers.
Professor Kimi King - judicial behavior, human rights, gender equity, civil rights and liberties, and
the interaction between legislative, executive and judicial policymaking.
Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor Eddie Meaders - financing of state judicial elections, judicial selection reform in Texas, lower
federal court confirmation process, federal circuit court selection, behavior, and
process, legal services to the poor.
Professor James Meernik - international criminal tribunals, human rights and post-conflict peace building.