In order to advance the education of Political Science PhD students and to promote their participation in various course offerings, internships, workshops and other such opportunities outside the University of North Texas, the Executive Committee will use the Department Workbook operating account to help fund the costs of these activities. Please note that this initiative is separate and distinct from department funding of graduate student travel to conferences.

To be eligible for such funding students must have:

  • successfully completed at least 18 credit hours in the PSCI PhD program;
  • a recommendation from the Graduate Adviser that she or he is a student in good standing in all aspects of the PhD program, including both coursework and TA/TF/RA work;
  • a degree program on file with the Graduate Adviser;
  • a recommendation from her/his major adviser that participation in a particular educational opportunity would facilitate the student's progress in the degree program;
  • evidence, where appropriate, that the student and/or the student's adviser have sought funds from other sources to help defray the expenses of the educational opportunity, such as UNT Graduate School travel grants, ICPSR Clogg scholarships and other funds available from the institution offering the opportunity;
  • importantly, provide evidence documenting the distinctiveness and merit of the program training for which the student is requesting funding. Are there other alternative programs at UNT, or in other settings that might be less expenses?

The Executive Committee will determine which such requests are funded based on the strength of the recommendations for each student, department needs and the availability of funds. Normally, the Committee will make awards in the $500 - $750 range, although it may increase such amounts in cases of exceptional merit and where exceptional circumstances merit.

The deadline for receipt of such requests is April 1st each year and should be sent in hard copy and electronic form to the Department Chair. It is possible that requests that are submitted late, but with legitimate reason may be considered if funds are still available. Students and their advisers must submit to the Department Chair, all information and documentation necessary to address the five requirements outlined above.